Day 1629: In The Beginning

If you know the beginning, you know the end. An illusion, can only ever create an illusion. A lie, can only create more lies. Between the flesh and consciousness, CONsciousness must be an illusion if it is dependent on the flesh for its Energy. And to be master of Energy of emotions/feelings means to abide by the rules of my flesh. Understand Energy, and you understand the beginning of what makes a character, and the system is a system of characters. Transcend Energy, unite with a decision transcending all emotions and feelings, and you get to know and understand character building itself. This is really lucrative, wisdom like shit, what price would you pay to see each and everyone’s character with utmost clarity? Be that old guy or gal that sees through all the presentations of people’s characters, to see the accepted and allowed character that betrays their highest intentions?

Of all addictions and obsessions, the addiction to Energy no matter what form is probably the most dangerous because it defines your destiny, your fate. Energy experience determines what characters you will play, who you will harass, who you will throttle, who you will step back with, how you brush your teeth, how you say things, how you will react. I mean, if humanity could step beyond and break down to break through Energy experience into the Physical, what a boon it would be for the destiny of Earth, which includes humanity. It’s not in everyone’s awareness that, using computers, that we are computers ourselves. We follow programs putting self interest on a pedestal, we seek stability amongst damaged characters, we aspire to be in the wrong equilibrium, namely an equilibrium founded on lies, characters, personalities, than the real matter represented by our flesh, our breathing, breath by breath. Self honesty is breath, and connection to the Physical is breath. Out of truth and lies, truth and illusions, it should be of utmost importance to prevent addiction to illusion itself, through understanding how an illusion is made, as history is evidence of illusions driving characters to insist and impose their will, always with nasty consequences. Be able to identify illusion, but that is an ability peculiar to someone physical, someone here with and as breath, breath by breath. And memory is not breath. Experience is not breath. Memory is the structure that creates experiences. If you know the beginning, you know the end.

About Kasper Kwan

Currently supporting myself in the process of establishing my words in the physical principles of Oneness and Equality.
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