Day 1634: Hot and Cold

  • Stress, panic, running around, having an emotional breakdown is a lot of Energy you’re generating an participating in. No energy is needed to give 150%. Successful people give that 1% more every single day, more and more and more and more.
  • Start change with one point. Keep it simple, keep it basic.
  • Life should be about walking into your life where your physical world should be organized in a way where your mind is at ease, you’re at ease, and you can spend more time processing yourself, just being a better person. Life is about being a better person for those we come into contact with in moments in our lives.

I just have to embrace that sometimes, I am able and sometimes, I am unable. Sometimes I can and sometimes I can’t. X shared with me once that everyone has ups and downs, just make sure the range is not alarming extreme. On the journey to Life and processing myself from where I am, it’s practical to embrace and accept – but not allow – ups and downs. To be frank with me, sometimes I just want to kill myself and entertain this thought that everything is useless, why even bother with the patience to look into all things when they are absolutely useless. Other times anything can happen, and I would be so certain of myself and that I will make lemonade out of lemons, that no matter what happens – with this internal state supporting me – I will make it good, I will seek for an outcome that is best for all Life always.

A great tip is to investigate your relationships with your bed (your place of rest), your room, your closet, your clothes, and your restroom. From there you will see in the lesser, the state of your relationship with yourself and how those relationships interconnect with your boss, your colleagues, and all people to the nth degree. Add to that your will to make your life/bed so that your mind is at ease, you’re at ease, and do the one thing that will manifest your fate in a certain way which is to process yourself, your inner knots, your inner conflicts. While one word connects to every word, one object you interact with daily, i.e. your bed, connects you to the totality of yourself and reveals the state of you.

And add to that how this each moment can be extremely specific, and this here moment even in the lesser is THE point where you can initiate change, where you can find that more in the lesser, where change is often about a slight shift in view, a quiet standing up, a fighting for without conflict or fighting. One moment connects to all the possible moments that you will face in your entire life/one word connects to every word. A lot of the time who you are is more important and defines a thing/object MORE than what something is, spiting that something regardless of whether it is good or evil or in-between. A good thing/person is something to learn from, an evil thing is raw material/substance to be approached with a constructive standing will to relentlessly break its boundaries and transmute it into good.

About Kasper Kwan

Currently supporting myself in the process of establishing my words in the physical principles of Oneness and Equality.
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