Day 1636: We Meet Death Every Day

I look into my dog’s eyes. Today my dog dripped a lot of saliva all over the home, and her behavior was a bit out of the ordinary. She is more like a cat than a dog, but she went into my room and sought my attention. I sometimes think about what I will do when my mom dies. Being constructive about it, and understanding the death as a painful end birthing a new beginning, and understanding their death (my mom and my dog) is simply their time to move into the next phase in everlasting life. Also their absence presents like a space I am responsible to fill with my consideration. For example, who I enjoyed myself to be when in their presence, now that they’re not there, I have to give that to myself.

Transient. That is what X described when referring to my comfortable environment of support. That intrinsic drive to seek comfort can have its role and place in a healthy living habit. Be equal to the support that my mom represents in my life and seek my own forgiveness and start over and begin again through being that support for myself. Personalized physical substance is my human physical body and its senses, also encapsulated as breathing. Without the Physical, the creators could never have enslaved.

Letting go when sleeping and picking up when awake. A helpful tip is to refer to the present day as that and as the present moment in which I will step out of character and decide to substantially change. Mornings are the best time your mind consciousness system charges itself with adrenaline and supercharged until the afternoon when it all physically collapse.

The mind is an alternate reality born from a friction/conflict relationship with the Physical.

About Kasper Kwan

Currently supporting myself in the process of establishing my words in the physical principles of Oneness and Equality.
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