Day 1637: Musings about Life

It’s 9 pm and I don’t know what to write. But as a reminder to myself, balancing the processing of memories and real time moments is crucial, or else the real time moments left unattended become more memories. It’s one of my styles, writing down as many tips for myself to live as possible.

I think we take for granted the absolute necessity for a healthy body for any possibility of a healthy mind. Extending that care to outside the family, it roughly translates into a Basic Income Guaranteed, to an Equal Money System. I think we’re already living the truth of BIG, but self honesty is lacking. There’s that myth of becoming ever more happy with more money as profit, and more sex as relationships. Sometimes I think that way, that I would have been more happy if I could profit more, and have some sex. But Life is funny. Life has always been given completely, in its fullest measure. Life is not a function of profit. Life is common sense. Life deems reason and logic unnecessary to live in harmonious ways. Reasons, excuses, justifications, through abusing logic, is something Life does not need to know how to live.

It’s testament to the absolute certainty of Life when a human lives in the correct, common sense way despite being the loser in an argument about what is right. Life does not mind losers or failures, hey, they’re instructive to the common sense way to live and as such is positive feedback. But Life always reveals cheaters to lose what is essential the most. Whining, complaining, cursing, according to living, are useless excrescences and unnecessary conduct. Why whine when you can look into something, investigate it, and make absolutely certain that the outcome will be best for all always?

Life is something born before knowledge and sophistication. Life is stable being raw and untended, and equally stable when ripe and mature to be refined and poised. What I am making as a theory is kindness, as a derivative of forgiveness, is what is crucial and essential. More than creative ideas, more than that drive to succeed, that drive to eradicate suffering in each person’s life without berefting them of their responsibility is a key. Life has to be conditional if it is to be optimal. And you know what? Life doesn’t complain or forces you to be successful akin to that piercing, discerning judgmental voice, it’s that realization that Life is always here, at every stage, at every turn. Through to old age, Life is here.

About Kasper Kwan

Currently supporting myself in the process of establishing my words in the physical principles of Oneness and Equality.
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