Day 1612: One Word to Rule Them All

If one word rules an entire human, namely myself, namely stimulation…

Personality is a sort of impulse towards a thought, word, and deed that breeds a very particular outcome. If one human, namely myself, am composed of 20 of these personality systems, switching between flavours for the spice of life and not to get bored, but in fact repeating 20 particular outcomes in rotation = what can be the purpose of Life itself, as expressed through a human such as I?

The difference between a system and living is a system repeats a particular outcome and in wily ways, is extremely flexible in applying ‘at all cost’ to worship a particular outcome by doing everything possible to create it and exert it into the Physical. Why can’t we apply that same ‘at all cost’ to assisting and supporting Life itself in all forms and be equally extremely flexible, as flexible as water, in attaining the goal of best for all (Life)?

What can I present as evidence that I am not of a system? If I am so extremely situated and limited to 20 ways of behaving, an absolute mind consciousness system, experiencing the same emotions and feelings ad nauseum, bringing all relationships to the same ruin and destruction and suboptimal-for-living specialness outcomes, what is Life? What about this physical existence? What about investigating?

Through great cost, I learnt that investigating is not a function of intelligence. It’s a matter and meaning to do it, and actually do the investigation for yourself. Understanding the mind is not won by a flash of cleverness and wily ways towards a self-agreed outcome or goal. When mentioning balance, is the aspect of the immediacy of the moment, and how my every action, physical, thought-based, spoken-based, lived-based, actually matters to ME: my character, my quality of personality, my extent of being flexible, can all be revealed in one moment where I either act or react. It’s as if each moment is counted because exactly I am faced with an absolute choice specific to each moment of breath: act, or react. There is no grey area in that.

How much and specifically is it physically possible to gleam in the immediate moment of a single breath? To give an example of the power of breath, one breath decides life and death. We leave our body in one breath, and we are birthed in one breath. My entire 20 personality-existence is integrated and shelved neatly into my human physical body and all of that is implied in one single breath, as in all 20 of the system’s existence is manifest fully here in/as one breath. Just like all the parts of my human physical body is implied in one breath, all my personalities, past, present, future, are implied in one breath. And it’s not like my glorification/spiritualizing or denial/rejection/demonizing of any part of my personalities or physical body diminishes the truth that it’s all here, everywhere and everything all at once.

Existence is implied in one singular breath. It’s peculiar to this physical existence that 8 billion people’s personalities are implied in one breath within the universe. How can we be so self righteous, and egotistical about tending to the wounds of our egos, while our Equality and Oneness is already fully manifested here in the great one-breath and the small one-breath-of-mine equally as one? Surely if there was a God, God as man would have liked to see to it that every part of physical existence be optimized to its utmost. Surely that which justifies separation, our egos and personalities and specialness and uniqueness, betrays its good intentions wishing for the best of Life itself the singular moment it starts to destroy it, and reveals the evil of separation? The insanity of opinion, the schizophrenia of human ego, aren’t we more like Stalin and Hitler than we like to believe, if for this ego we would destroy this physical existence with laughter and smiling and glee while believing ourselves to be good people?

About Kasper Kwan

Currently supporting myself in the process of establishing my words in the physical principles of Oneness and Equality.
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