Day 1613: Focusing One’s Application

Can you imagine? All of existence, all of what we can possibly know throughout all human civilization, what we have yet to know, our decision as to which camp we will live in – what is eternally best for all thus best for self, or all shades of self interest in its countless mutations – hinges on this singular breath. Existence breathes in and out because a tree breathes in and out. Existence breathes in and out because when we breathe in, we are birthed into this world, and when we breathe out, it will be a migration into an unknown world within this physical world, death is only a breath away.

Our own life – the only life that matters in practice because without this seeming puny dust of a life, all life would not matter to us if it wasn’t for this puny life force – our own life is the emptiness and potential from which all knowledge is birthed in its countless methods of description and explanation. Look up all the subjects at your university, and that is the example of how much knowledge and information has already been made possible. Check out your library, your university’s library, and realize that out of all that knowledge – we practically assimilate 1% of that, maybe even less.

By nature, we must be choosy eaters of what fruits of knowledge we should partake in. The best knowledge of all doesn’t permutate according to the fashions, and is timelessly relevant, pressing in importance as a firsthand physical experience. The practical expansion of the definition of kindness and empathy for another’s suffering is timelessly powerful to surviving in a manner that is not brutal, that give each other some integrity and dignity. Investigation being defined as a matter of fulfilling the steps to investigate, than a flash of clever intelligence, instructs me to realize that beyond overcoming others, which make me clever and intelligent, overcoming myself to do the hard work that will never get any credit eternally, makes me strong.

I’ve reached a moment where I look at my Facebook feed – in its AI glory and intelligent way of siphoning content to my eyes – and realize it’s like fast food: ultra-processed and unhealthy if personally defined in an unhealthy way. That’s the power of self honesty – what is my real agenda for parsing through Facebook and Instagram, what is the wound I am licking to heal which I believe Facebook and Instagram will instruct me how to bring it into a solution? In some moments sometimes, I insert a deliberate thought within that “Facebook has vested interests in giving me this specific content” which in the ultimate analysis, means that “I have hidden interests in feeding me this content”, and another door opens. A door to self intimacy, self investigation, self introspection.

Which makes me come back to a previous statement I made in a previous blog: in one single breath, how much, how deep, how much brutally gently directly am I viewing myself reflected in this single breath’s physical environment and my internal environment expressed as desires and fears? How much am I aware of Earth’s predicament, humanity’s predicament, myself as predicament, one breath at a time? What are the steps I am taking in measurable appropriate action that sees me step out of character and do something truly good for myself timelessly so? According to that singular breath in and then out, you can expect your performance in this lifetime and predict how far you will go to make structures of reason, structures of communication, structures of self esteem, eternally stable and thus durable thus trustworthy.

Of all the things I can possibly make, making timelessly eternally sound structures of belief and reason and communication and relationships and structures of sex and structures of money and structures of relationships is the technically best thing I can do for myself. So why don’t I choose the best? Of all the possible personalities I can nurture and allow to infect my every fiber of being, those durable and trustworthy personalities are the best. After all, the best business relationships and any relationships are built ON trust, ON sound communication, ON playing open cards. So why don’t I build personalities that are the best? Is the drama really that magnetizing and attractive that I would slowly destroy my life and those lives around me for a simple exhilaration? So make your priorities, be honest about which camp you want to live in. Of all camps, the camp that unconditionally and at all costs assists and supports Life in its countless forms is the best: Team LIFE. We have the benchmark for what is Life: is it physically manifested and subject to what is here, both the manifested form and what is here as part of the Physical? It’s in Life’s nature as the life-giving nature to be personal, and impersonal at the same time.

About Kasper Kwan

Currently supporting myself in the process of establishing my words in the physical principles of Oneness and Equality.
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