Day 1575: The Difficult Conversation, Part 7

It’s quite important that a stability, a calm, a peace is established no matter what my mind, people, events, circumstances throw at me. I see it as two sides: the goal is to remain calm no matter what, but it’s also instructive to investigate and question and challenge my own preoccupations with each specific pattern or thought or emotion or feeling. Thoughts consciously thought of has a thread tracing it into subconscious, unconscious, quantum mind, quantum physical, so they are like highly effective symbols which trigger a certain specific experience internally.

What does that have to do with the difficult conversation about facing education again? Truthfully, as many times as it takes to dispel the soreness of being taken advantage of blaming it toward the education system.

We are already like the existential feminine that pervades all form. Practically speaking, pervading all form means seeing and realizing the self that is always here no matter what category of activity we are doing: cleaning, cooking, working, eating, going to toilet, organizing, walking, hiking, sleeping, writing. The self is the feminine that amalgamates already with all form with such an absolute certainty, consistency and trustworthiness, only each of us has to realize it. So in a way, it is not education as a thing that is triggering my resentment. It is who I am when I am obviously reminded of my relationship to education as a thing, that is the problem and the solution. When the self is already fully manifest in all things, I dare to question myself why I would treat education especially terribly and with resentment and loathing, when all things can always be seen from the consideration of keeping what is good, investigating all things?

It’s been a long lasting agreement with myself. Loathing, rejection, denial, violent behaviour of mine, ridicule, sarcasm, (in a way they can all be called desciptions of one word, separation) are all red flags that are like road signs, with me telling myself I must investigate this because I react, while the awareness hand can only grasp either reaction or understanding as a tool to explore equal and one, to explore image and likeness of god as a living answer/example of myself, in aspiring to my utmost potential.

It’s like that. Reaction is what urges us to impulsively haste and not take each step with absolute consideration and regard, and makes time seem to slip through the seams in our hands while we frantically cup the sands of time with this eternal thirst for time that is valuable, and really experience and feel that value within time. Also known as cherishing and being grateful for the moment.

What can possibly trigger me about a strict routine as a must-do of reading and writing – reading books and writing assignments and exams, which is what university boils down to. Education is man’s attempt at spreading common sense to the world in the form of a higher level of civil discourse, a more rigorous discourse. Education is also the method in which ‘the world’ systematically, with utmost patience and properly executed steps step by step, to have you justify your own submission and prostration towards the system in general. Education is the way of brainwashing. Education is the only way to stand as an equal participant responsible for the way the world works. Education is the postponement of facing the ugly of human nature most prolifically exposed in corporate and profit-making endeavors.

About Kasper Kwan

Currently supporting myself in the process of establishing my words in the physical principles of Oneness and Equality.
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