Day 1590: The Difficult Conversation, Part 8

The difficult conversation part 8.

I doubt my ability, for lack of a better word, to persevere and commit to studying material that is not my interest, yet kind of is because it’s the way to a path laid with money. Reading from books I don’t doubt my ability to comprehend it, my greatest fear is that I’ll get angry – for whatever reason – and not commit an abundance of time to formal education. In that sense studying is easy. Splurge consistently and constantly with an abundance of participation in reading books to write assignments and exams, then you will pass.

And to do the opposite of spiritualizing education, it boils down to reading from books and writing homework and exams. No guarantee of an objectively better, more trustworthy human being totally. Just like the teachers need to spew out stuff, we students spew out stuff echoing their sentiments and that’s how we pass. Education, like work, like training, is not the important part. The important part to my looking is the people part, the real people coming together as a group part. It’s the certification and validation amongst equal peers or coworkers or fellow students that has some intrinsic value. It’s like the way I perceive sports stars. They are the best only because there is an entire ecosystem with hoards of highly skilled athletes that make the label ‘the best’ mean something. It’s because there’s people smarter than you that are grouped in your geographical location and workplace and classroom that ‘the best’ means anything. The strange thing is – no matter what heights you reach through smarts, what is important is you know your role and place, your niche, and from knowing thyself do what is best – for all. This is an answer that applies to every person of every capacity – you can know yourself, and from there never overextend, nor shrink in miserly fashion, but from there do what will be best for all.

About Kasper Kwan

Currently supporting myself in the process of establishing my words in the physical principles of Oneness and Equality.
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